CTRL + Left Mouse Button to open link in new window. CTRL+0 (zero) to set default, recommended font size. * denotes weapons exclusive to the Viper sub-faction.<<< Go back to homepage Use CTRL+F for search. Promet series ( Promet, Promet GL, Promet SG) * denotes weapons also used or are exclusive to the CTRG sub-faction. Karts DLC | Marksmen DLC | Apex DLC | Tanks DLC | Contact DLC
Promet series ( Promet, Promet GL, Promet SG). For weapons in Western Sahara, refer to this article. For weapons in CSLA Iron Curtain, refer to this article. For weapons in Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany, refer to this article. see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within Arma 3. Please refer to each CDLC's dedicated article(s) for their respective lists: Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.
Weapons added through optional, third party-developed Creator DLCs are deliberately excluded from this article. Certain weapon platforms can also be remotely-operated or will operate autonomously. All static weapons can be dismantled and transported by infantry or vehicles. Several grenade launchers, heavy machineguns, and missile launchers are also available to use as static weapon turrets. Some weapons have sub-variants with underbarrel grenade launchers that are not listed here. Munitions that can be launched by static mortars vary from precision-guided shells, flares or smoke shells that can generate a thick cloud of cover for infantry. Light fire support is also available in the form of static mortars. Squad Automatic Weapons See Squad automatic weapons Bullpup Assault Rifle/Anti-Materiel Rifleĭesignated Marksman Rifles See Designated marksman rifles